Books by Subject

Birth Order

Born to Rebel : Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives
by Frank J. Sulloway

Hardcover (November 1996)
Pantheon Books; ISBN: 0679442324 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.60 x 9.55 x 6.42
Other Editions: Paperback

This groundbreaking book takes on the influence of birth order in personalities and offers some surprising conclusions. Frank J. Sulloway, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has undertaken the first comprehensive study of birth order in determining personality and social outlook. He produces overwhelming evidence that, because of the evolutionary hierarchy in families, first-born children are more likely to be conformists while the later-borns tend to be more creative and more likely to reject the status quo. He documents just how different siblings are from each another--a person tends to have more in common with any randomly chosen person of their own age than with a sibling--and explains why sibling differences occur. The book offers new insights into the determining factors of who we are and who our children will be, and it is unlike any research yet published.
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The New Birth Order Book : Why You Are the Way You Are
by Kevin Leman

Paperback - 362 pages 2nd edition (October 1998)
Fleming H Revell Co; ISBN: 0800756797 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.99 x 8.33 x 5.49
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Family Constellation : Its Effects on Personality and Social Behavior
by Walter Toman
Hardcover 4th edition (September 1992)
Springer Pub Co; ISBN: 0826104967
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Birth Order Blues : How Parents Can Help Their Children Meet the Challenges of Birth Order
by Meri Wallace

Paperback - 224 pages (May 1999)
Owl Books; ISBN: 0805052100 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.60 x 8.46 x 5.55
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
Birth order has a powerful effect on children's emotional development, on their self-esteem, and on their sense of well-being. The youngest child, the firstborn, the middleborn, twins, and the only child all have specific birth order issues that, if not attended to early on, can impair their functioning and their interpersonal relations at home and at school, and can follow them into adulthood. Parental birth order, too, plays an important role, as do such other factors as gender and family size. To understand these birth order blues, the author, an expert in parent-child relationships, first raises parents' awareness of the impact of birth order upon children. She then shows how to identify their children's birth order problems, often disguised by behaviors such as underachievement or aggression, and suggests how they can resolve these issues and prevent negative behavioral patterns from developing.
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Birth Order and Political Behavior

By Albert Somit, Alan Arwine, & Steven A. Peterson

University Press of America, Apr. 1996
ISBN: 0761801340

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