Evolution's Voyage is a dot com web site
because the classification was "grandfathered in" by the few options
available in 1995 when started. The only commerical activity on this web site
are viewers purchasing all types of merchadise from Amazon.com which helps to
defray costs. The entire site is free of charge to the reader -- unless, of course, you decide to honor my humble work with a non-tax deductible donation to keep up the good cause.
or Interesting Links
much at this website about evolutionary psychology, but before you learn EP,
you must understand the science of evolution. The best place to begin
your voyage is at this PBS website. Excellent.
Evolutionary Psychology Frequently
Asked Questions website.
Written by Edward Hagen, Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of Calif, Santa Barbara.
Although written in stuffy academic language this is an excellent website that
leads a student in a lineal sequence explaining the biologocial perspective
of human behavior
Human Behavior & Evolution Society (Places to study EP, 11th button down
on left)
Center for Evolutionary Psychology (Places to study EP on left side)
DNA Learning Center The
Title says it all:
DNA Ancestry Project Who
Were your Ancestors? Discover your ancestral roots using gentic genealogy.
Human Excellent interactive
site focused on human evolution
is Sex Determined? Bad news guys.
For the first six weeks of life we share the same organs as a female.
Deal with it.
The National Center
for Science Education The main bulwark
that keeps creationism at bay. Do you know about the "Steve Project?"
Evolutionary Psychology:
An International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior
Once you think that you have tthe principles
behind Evolutionary Psychology down pat, take a peek at the formal online presence
of evolutionary psychology. This is where the big boy and girls in the major
leagues strut their stuff.
An Interesting Bio-Cultural Peer-Reviewed Journal
Has Just Begun Publication In January 2007
Journal of Social, Evolutionary & Cultural Psychology
Lie to me
I don't usually give a nod to television shows, but
to my knowledge this is the first fictional work in the popular cultural wars
that focuses on biological origins of facial emotions and expressions
Go to the Fox Network's Web Site here
The Truth is written all over our faces
The Links Below Are Social In Their Origins.
Why? Because We Are Social Creatures.
Remember The Broad Brush Stroke Formula for Human Behavior:
40% Nature, 60% Nurture
40% Evolutionary, 60% Social Psychology
40% DNA, 60% Local Environment
40% Natural Selection, 60% Sexual Selection
"“Environment and heredity are eternally intertwined, locked in a pas de deux”. P. xvi. Dr. Helen Fisher from her 1999 book
The First Sex: The Natural Talent of Women and How They Are Changing the World
Human Race Machine
The is no gene for race.
Groups R Us
An interesting,
informative, high-school level web site teaching social science concerning groups.
Years of Women in Science Here's
the skinny: only chimpanzees and humans form alliances to wage violence against
their fellow species. Only the males of both species engage in violent organized
violence. Learn about women, support them, and elevate their policy making roles
if you want justice and peace on planet Earth.
Women's History Project Same reason
as Women in Science above.
Religion Index A Rutgers University
Religion Department site designed to advance research in all matters of religion.
of Perfection This online short "book" is an excellent introduction into the Eugenics
movement. We must never, never, never, never forget the negative implications
of a biological perspective to human behavior. Always keep in mind that the
so-called "desire to improve human behavior" is nothing more than
"dominates" discriminating against "subordinates" and how
to keep them "down" below them in the human hierarchies in which the
"controlling" class finds suitable to their advantage. This form of
discrimination is bioloical in origin, but thoughout history, it could have
evolved from religious, village, tribal, ethnic,or gender origins. Also remember,
the Eugenics movement is the cesspool from which Hitler found his strength.
Competency I was almost giddy with
delight when I discovered this web site. It is really, really good in its basic
knowledge concerning our human need for social contact. It covers all the bases.
But, because of the physical construction of the web site, it may prove a bit
confusing. I suggest take an entire summer or season to learn the material and
dive back into basic evolutionary perspectives again.
DNA Ancestry Project We can all trace our roots back
to Adam & Eve, or somebody, but this project is attempting to let you find
out -- biologically -- where you came from. It costs money to find out ----
hmmmm....here's a good "make work" project for governments...to prove
scientifically that we are all one of the same species and tribe, clan, etc.
naked for peace. Hmmm....you mean if we all just took our clothes off, there'll
be world peace?
CISCO/THE HUMAN NETWORK OK, they are a corporate giant, but the higher
the corporation, the bigger the trickle down. The concept is nice, but talk
is cheap. Let's see if they really are serious about "bringing us all together."
Especially Helpful to
Evolutionary Psychology Frequently
Asked Questions
website. Written by Edward Hagen, Dept. of Anthropology,
Univ. of Calif, Santa Barbara. Although written in stuffy academic language
this is an excellent website that leads a student in a lineal sequence explaining
the biologocial perspective of human behavior
Guides and Strategies An
excellent web site devoted to one subject: how to prepare yourself to learn..
Several languages available making this a potential planet gathering place.
ICAAP The International
Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publications
Bookrags.com describes itself as the premier research site for students, with
over 5.7 million pages.
Colorado at OyMap.net - a world directory
Privacy notice:
Evolution's Voyage is a very small company
and we do not use our own server.
We are hosted by D.A. Rau & Associates and
they in turn provide us with statistical information that is minimal
in its depth. i.e. they provide us with the sever name of origin: harvard.edu,
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